Principal InvestigatorPr. Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe
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Research ProfessionalsEma Lussier (Full Time)Julie Beaudin (Part Time)PostdocDr. Amy Heim (co-advised by Pr. M. Jean)PhDSophie Boutin (co-advised by Pr. F. Jean Pierre)Lilisbeth RodriguezNicolas Rodriguez Romero (directed by Pr. P. Beauregard)Gaële LajeunesseMorgane Enea Jérémy Fraysse (co-advised by Pr. A. Paquette)Sarah Tardif (directed by Pr. A. Paquette)Abdonaser Poursalavati (co-advised by Dr. M. Fall)MScMaria Lucia Gonzalez TorresJonathan Rondeau-Leclaire (co-advised with Pr. PÉ. Jacques)Jacob Beauregard (co-advised with Dr. PL. Chagnon)Rebecca Dionne-Gagné (directed by Pr. C. Laprise)Undergraduate StudentsAlexis Roy (W25)